
Learnt.In is initiated by a team of Professors in higher educational institutions in Bengaluru, with a core theme of higher education related issues, news, articles, tools. The emphasis is on compliance with Statutory Regulatory Authorities, Accreditation bodies like NAAC and NBA, and Rankings like NIRF.

Learnt.In presently offers a scientific prediction of institutional NIRF 2024 ranking, using the data provided by a registered, logged in user, based on supervised machine learning. Such a prediction is offered for the NIRF categories of Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, and Overall. 

One may register using Google account or alternatively create a new account. Please wait for the approval by the site Admin. If you choose to create a new account instead of Google login, you will have to set a new password using the one-time login link sent by email.

Once logged in after the admin approval, please click on Home, and then click on Add Content link.

Please give a suitable title, like "your institute name - category of data entry - Year". A given user may create a maximum of four such contents, one for each category mentioned. The data you enter will not be accessible to other users. though the same is available publicly on nirfindia.org.

While entering the data, please note that you are required to fetch the publications and citations data from dimensions.ai. The prediction of rankings depends on such data available on dimensions.ai.

Once you enter all data and save it, please click on the tab "NIRF Prediction" and follow the instructions provided.

For perception, all institutes are given a blanket marks of 25/100, and for PCS, all are awarded 20/20, presently.

The table presents you the metric-wise, criteria-wise and total marks expected based on the data you upload, provided the data are correct and acceptable to NIRF. One may even export this table as a csv.

The RMS errors in the total marks predicted are: 13% for Engineering, 14% for Pharmacy, 12% for Management, and 13% for Overall.

Have fun, while this service is offered free of cost, without any warranty!



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List of Authorities for higher education