List of Regulatory Authorities, Autonomous Bodies, Accreditation Bodies, Ranking Agencies for higher education in India - and other resources

This page lists authorities for higher education in India, or the Regulatory Bodies relevant to Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in India, with relevant web links:

UGC: University Grants Commission is a statutory organization for the promotion and co-ordination of university level education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in Universities. UGC advises the Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for the development of Higher Education in India, in addition to providing grants to eligible universities and colleges.

Accreditation Bodies: 

  1. NAAC: National Assessment and Accreditation Council, with a mandate to make the quality assurance an integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions (HEI), assesses and grants accreditation to volunteering and eligible HEIs. NAAC has specific accreditation framework for each of the following types of HEIs: University; Autonomous College; Affiliated / Constituent College; Health Science University (with sub types Medical, Dental, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences, Ayurvedha, Yoga / Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy); Sanskrit University; Sanskrit Dual Mode University; Sanskrit Affiliated College; Yoga University; Open University; Dual Mode University; Teacher Education Institution; Legal Education Affiliated College; Legal Education University; and Humanities University.
  2. NBA: National Board of Accreditation assesses the qualitative competence of the programs offered by educational institution from diploma level to post-graduate level in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy, architecture and related disciplines, which are approved by AICTE. It gives accreditation to following eligible programs: Engineering & Technology - Diploma (of 3 Years duration), UG (Tier I under Washington Accor and Tier II), PG; Management - PG; Pharmacy - Diploma, UG, PG; Architecture, Applied Arts and Crafts - UG, PG; Computer Applications - PG; Hotel Management and Catering Technology - UG.

Statutory Regulatory Authority:

  1. AICTE: The All India Council for Technical Education regulates technical higher education in India, lays down norms and standards for such institutions. It grants approval for starting new technical institutions, for introduction of new programs and for variation in intake capacity in technical institutions. However, for diploma level institutions, the AICTE has delegated regulatory powers to the concerned state governments. Additionally, the AICTE also, implements through schemes, promotion of technical education for women, handicapped and weaker section of the society, promoting innovations, faculty, research and development, giving grants to technical institutions. The technical institutions under the AICTE include HEIs offering PG and/or UG programs in engineering / technology, hotel management and catering technology, management studies, computer applications, and applied arts and crafts.
  2. BCI: The Bar Council of India regulates and represents the Indian Bar. BCI performs the regulatory function by prescribing standards of professional conduct and etiquettes and by exercising disciplinary jurisdiction over the Bar. BCI also sets standards for legal education and grant recognition to Universities whose degree in law will serve as qualification for enrolment as an advocate. The BCI visits and inspects Universities / Law colleges in the country as part of its statutory function of promoting legal education and laying down standards in consultation with the Universities in India and the State Bar Councils.
  3. COA: The Council of Architecture regulates the registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. The COA is charged with the responsibility to regulate the education and practice of profession throughout India besides maintaining the register of architects. The standards of education being imparted in architectural educational institutions (constituent colleges / departments of universities, deemed universities, affiliated colleges / schools, IITs, NITs and autonomous institutions) is governed by COA, which set forth the requirement of eligibility for admission, program duration, standards of staff and accommodation, program content, examination etc.
  4. DCI: Dental Council of India is mandated to regulate the Dental Education and the profession of Dentistry throughout India and it is financed by the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Department of Health) through Grant-in-aid. The DCI has been entrusted with the following objectives: Maintenance of uniform standard of Dental education – both at UG and PG levels; It envisages inspections / visitation of Dental Colleges for permission to start Dental Colleges, increase of seats, starting of new Postgraduate programs; To prescribe the standard curricula for the training of dentists, dental hygienists, dental mechanics and the conditions of such training; To prescribe the minimum standards of examinations and other requirements to be satisfied to secure qualifications for recognition; Supervision over all the dental institutions to ensure that they maintain the prescribed standards.
  5. INC: Indian Nursing Council was established in order to establish a uniform standard of training for nurses, Midwives and health visitors.
  6. NCH: The National Commission for Homoeopathy has the following functions: (a) lay down policies for maintaining a high quality and high standards in medical education of Homoeopathy and make necessary regulations; (b) lay down policies for regulating Homoeopathic medical institutions, medical researches and Homoeopathic medical professionals and make necessary regulations; (c) assess the requirements in healthcare, including human resources for health and healthcare infrastructure and develop a road map for meeting such requirements; (d) frame guidelines and lay down policies by making such regulations for the proper functioning of the Autonomous Boards and the State Medical Councils of Homoeopathy; (e) ensure co-ordination among the Autonomous Boards; (f) take measures to ensure compliance by the State Medical Councils of Homoeopathy of the guidelines framed and regulations by NCH for their effective functioning; (g) exercise appellate jurisdiction with respect to the decisions of the Autonomous Boards; (h) make regulations to ensure observance of professional ethics in medical profession and to promote ethical conduct during the provision of care by Homoeopathic medical practitioners; (i) frame guidelines for determination of fees and all other charges in respect of fifty per cent of seats in private homoeopathic medical institutions and deemed to be universities; etc.
  7. NCISM: National Commission for Indian System of Medicine has been established: To provide medical education system that improves access to quality and affordable medical education; To ensure availability of adequate and high-quality medical professionals of Indian System of Medicine in all parts of the country, like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa; To promote equitable and universal healthcare that encourages community health perspective and makes services of such medical professionals accessible and affordable to all the citizens; To promote national health goals; To encourage such medical professionals to adopt latest medical research in their work and to contribute to research; To carry out Periodic and transparent assessment of medical institutions; To facilitate maintenance of a medical register of Indian System of Medicine for India and enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services; To provide Medical Education System that is flexible to adapt to the changing needs and has an effective grievance redressal mechanism and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
  8. NCTE: National Council for Teacher Education has the mandate to achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education throughout the country and to govern the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards for teacher education. The gamut of functions performed by NCTE is very broad covering all the teacher education programs e.g. Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Master of Education (M.Ed) etc.
  9. NMC: National Medical Commission aims to (i) improve access to quality and affordable medical education, (ii) ensure availability of adequate and high quality medical professionals in all parts of the country; (iii) promote equitable and universal healthcare that encourages community health perspective and makes services of medical professionals accessible to all the citizens; (iv) encourages medical professionals to adopt latest medical research in their work and to contribute to research; (v) objectively assess medical institutions periodically in a transparent manner; (vi) maintain a medical register for India; (vi) enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services; (vii) have an effective grievance redressal mechanism.
  10. PCI: The Pharmacy education and profession in India up to graduate level is regulated by the Pharmacy Council of India. Its objectives are: Regulation of the Pharmacy Education in the Country for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act; and Regulation of Profession and Practice of Pharmacy.
  11. RCI: The Rehabilitation Council of India has the mandate to regulate and monitor services given to persons with disabilities, to standardize syllabi and to maintain a Central Rehabilitation Register of all qualified professionals and personnel working in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education. It regulates diploma, UG, as well as PG programs falling under Rehabilitation and Special Education. RCI has been empowered to take punitive action against unqualified persons delivering services to persons with disabilities.
  12. VCI: Veterinary Council of India is charged with the responsibilities of making provision for the regulation of veterinary practice and for that purpose, regulate the standards of veterinary education, preparation and maintenance of an Indian Veterinary Practitioners’ Register, Electoral Roll for election of members, recommend for recognition or withdrawal of recognition of veterinary qualifications to the central government and matters connected therewith and ancillary thereto.

Autonomous Organizations:

ICAR: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare , Government of India. ICAR is the apex body for co-ordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture including horticulture, fisheries and animal sciences in the entire country. It has played a major role in promoting excellence in higher education in agriculture.

Open and Distance Learning (ODL), and Online Learning:

DEB: Distance Education Bureau acts as a regulator for higher education system in ODL mode, including for technical education in universities / affiliated colleges. DEB Is responsible for the promotion and coordination of the Open and Distance Learning system in the Country.


NIRF: The National Institutional Ranking Framework was approved by the MHRD, GOI and launched by Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development on 29th September 2015. NIRF outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The parameters broadly cover “Teaching, Learning and Resources,” “Research and Professional Practices,” “Graduation Outcomes,” “Outreach and Inclusivity,” and “Perception”.



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List of Authorities for higher education